G.R.E.A.T Values

Generous Heart
The GREAT Commandment

Love God and People (Matthew 22:36-40)

The GREAT Commission

Make Disciples and Share the Gospel (Matthew 28:16-20)

Our Mission, therefore, is to

Glorify God and Make GREAT Disciples
Reaching Out

The Gospel is Good News, therefore it must be announced. We aim to reach out with the Gospel of the Kingdom, personally, virtually, locally and internationally (Romans 1:16)

Engaging in Fellowship

Our desire is to know God personally by establishing habits of grace in the weekly rhythms of our lives. We do this by Reading the Bible and Praying daily and Fasting and practicing Sabbath weekly.

Abiding in Christ

We believe in God has created us for community. At Vision Church, we encourage every member to be actively involved in the fellowship of the church. (Acts 2:42)

Training and Growing as Disciples

We are called to become Disciples of Christ. As a church, we are committed to create opportunities for people from all walks of life to discover their God-give calling and walk in it.

What We Believe

Essential Truths

Vision Church is a member of the Assemblies of God Great Britain. We adhere to the following statement of fundamental and essential truths. Click the button below to explore what we believe

Why We Exist

The G.R.E.A.T. acronym encompasses our Mission and Values

Generosity is love in action. We believe we are called to "do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." (1Timothy 6:17-19)

What We Desire

Our desire is to encourage and equip people to become a GREAT disciple of Christ, who loves God and people, who share the Gospel and makes GREAT Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Meet Our Team

Vlad Ciolan

Elder - Lead Pastor

Our Leadership Team (Oversight) is formed of Elders and Deacons who are men and women voted in by the members of Vision Church to care for the health and growth of the church
Donald Mayhew

Elder - Equip Ministries

Sharon Dias

Deacon - Mental and Emotional Health

Chris Dias

Deacon - Prayer Ministry

Phil Willoughby

Deacon - Facilities

Matt Fry

Deacon - Treasurer
